This process book displays the project that ten students, a professor, and a scientist worked on over a ten week semester at the Savannah College of Art and Design. It represents the work, research, and conceptual development of a system meant to combat food deserts in urban environments. The book is divided into sections based on the Biomimicry 3.8 Thinking Design Process. Each section covers a particular phase in this design process: the scoping phase, the discovering phase, the creating phase and the evaluating phase. Each phase tells a piece of the design team’s story; learning from nature through direct observation, excursions, sites of interest, deriving relevant design principles from the functions of various organisms, developing a prototype system to address the design challenge, and evaluating the solution’s adherence to Life’s Principles.
This project, in tandem with personal statements and individual iSites resulted in the approved certification in Biomimicry 3.8 of a majority of the students involved.